Payment Policy
Abel Wellness is the studio for you if you are ready to make the commitment and transform your health. Payment must be received before services are rendered. All sessions must be paid for at time of booking. Invoices must be paid within 24 hours to avoid having your appointment canceled.
Scheduling Policy
All classes and private sessions must be paid for at the time of booking. In order to hold a recurring appointment packages must be paid for on the last day of the previous package. This ensures that you get your preferred times and days.
You may book a class up to 12 hours before the start of the class. After the the 12 hour time frame, call the studio to be added to the group. All students MUST be pre-registered for classes. Out of respect for instructors and the other students there will be no last minute drop-ins.
Cancellation Policy
Privates - cancellations made with less than 24 hours will be charged
Classes - cancellations made with less than 18 hours will be charged
Monday appointments need to be canceled before noon the Friday before the appointment.
Abel Wellness is unable to make exceptions to these policies for any reason. If there is a chance you can’t make your session or class, please cancel so that instructors can be efficient with their time and assist as many clients as possible. Another option is to sign up last minute.
Group and Equipment Class Cancellation Policy
Classes with no sign ups will be cancelled 18 hours before the scheduled start time. Please sign up for any classes you’d like to attend. Or if you’d like to attend last minute - please check the website to insure the class has not been cancelled and sign up before heading to the studio.
Class Minimums
We are only able to hold classes with a minimum of two clients.
If you are the only client signed up, the instructor will contact you at least 18 hours before the class. At your discretion you can elect to either cancel or choose to book a discounted $55 private session at class time.
Expiration Dates
We want to encourage clients to attend regularly so that the benefits of the work are not wasted. For this reason - please plan accordingly and only purchase packages you are able to use within the expiration period. We can not offer exceptions to these policies, but you are welcome to purchase a 15 day extension as needed. Expiration's start the day you first use the package - not the sale date.
We understand that some clients are seasonal and leave Franklin for the winter. Please purchase your packages accordingly.
5 or 10 Private Session Packages expire 100 days from first use
10 Class Packages expire 100 days from first use
20 Class Packages expire 200 days from first use
Fragrance Policy
Clients wearing any synthetic perfume (soaps, hair sprays, fragrances, lotions, etc) will be asked to wash it off before entering the studio floor. Synthetic fragrance is the #1 known skin irritant and many people are highly allergic to the chemicals found in perfumes. Abel Wellness is a holistic wellness center and we avoid anything that can cause health issues in the body. We strive to offer every client fresh clean air.
Shoes Policy
Shoes are not to be worn on the studio floors at any time. Please remove shoes and place in a cubby before any class or private session. We want to keep our studio spotlessly clean so all clients can enjoy a healthy environment.